Friday, September 23, 2011

Paws (Reaching) Around the World

Welcome to the International
Flicka da Cookie Cafe
Paws Around the World! We hope you enjoy our treats! Please be sure and visit
 the Jabba Jazz Bar and eCafe . Our Charity shelter is the Holly Hedge Animal Sanctuary and donation widgets can be found here in the sidebar and at the Jabba Jazz.

On to the treats!
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To start we have some beautiful Fall Leaves since most of us around the world are now seeing the wonderful autumn colors(For you Down Under folks there's some Spring  Green ones!) In Nip and Bacon!!
From the Middle East our Chick Peas with Nip in a Couscous Pastry
From Japan our Green Tea Cake with Plum Sorbet
From the Mediterranean our Doma is available both in the traditional way with Lamb or with BBQd Pulled Pork! Both wrapped in tasty grape leaves!
From Bosnia our baked Bacon!-Wrapped Pear with a Goat Cheese center, drizzled with warm Honey
From the US our shortbread Florida Orange cookies with California Pistachios and Almonds, Nip flavoring of course!
Originally from Italy our South American Noqui are filled with Ricotta Cheese, a touch of Maple Syrup, and Applewood Bacon!

From Mexico our Mexican Chocolate Cupcakes with just a touch of Chili, Frosted with our own Nip and Tequila buttercreme!
From France, our Napoleon style cupcakes with French pastry layers and Nip flavored Cream Cheese  
From England our Bacon! and Devonshire Farmhouse Cheddar Sconces
From the Levant our Marizpan Fruit in Orange and Bacon!, Lemon and Nip, and Strawberry and BBQ flavors!
From Italy our Chocolate Bacon! Gelatto!
From China our Orange Chicken Fortune Cookies.
May good fortune always be yours!
From the Cookie Cafe kitchen our...Snicker...Doodles
Thank you for joining us for the Paws Around the World Pawpawty. We hope you have had a wonderful time. Please donate to our charity shelter if you can.
Thanks again, flicka47